NMC CEO provides evidence to House of Commons Digital Media Culture Sport Committee
A sports event, a royal wedding, a civic commemoration can seem a long way from political processes. But public policy dealing with copyright and other intellectual property rights and touching on matters of press freedom can significantly impact on legitimate news operations.
NMC believes it is the duty of governments to safeguard press freedom, freedom of expression and access to information when sport events of major importance are staged, particularly where the awarding of hosting rights is backed by national legislation. When political developments occur that support news media terms and conditions to events the News Media Coalition promotes these to policy makers in the Council of Europe, European Union and other governments as models of best practice that can be adopted elsewhere.
There have been a number of prominent public declarations and policy decisions, including:
UNESCO International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (adopted 18 November 2015)
Article 10.10, states: ‘The media are invited to fulfil their role as critical and independent observers of events, organizations and stakeholders, informing the public of the benefits, risks and educational values of physical education, physical activity and sport.’
2016 Takkula Report on integrated approach to Sport Policy: good governance, accessibility and integrity (adopted 5 December 2016), stressing ‘that sport bodies should ensure necessary access and news-gathering opportunities at all sport events for independent news media to fulfil their role as important and critical observers of sport events and administration of sports.”
Objective accounts of the field of play and journalism which holds sports administrators to account are vital to society – and to the wellbeing of sport. The harsh reality is that sport organisations cannot be expected to tell the whole story when failings occur. Independent sports journalism has huge societal and commercial value and this must be reflected in public policy
NMC CEO speaks at EU Presidency event on importance of News Media